The first bits of writing that I do on a new book are always colored by my fraught emotions. You know, that self-doubt that writers have, and the questions they ask themselves. Is it a good enough idea? Am I a good enough writer? Did I leave the iron on? (That last one is almost not a joke, because when you feel unsure about your writing, the easiest thing to do is to worry about something else.)
I thought I’d share my pain with my readers by showing them what I have to look at: my desktop and my notes.
The desktop is what Scrivener looks like to me, before I’ve even written a single word. It’s just One Big Blank Space. Terrifying, isn’t it?
My notes make me feel better when I look at the Blank Space; the notes are the result of several weekends spent at coffee shops, going over and over my ideas to make sure that they still ring true.
Here they are. Sweet little pile of paper, yes?
At any rate, enough mucking about, I think, as it’s time to do some real writing. (The writing is for Book #5 in my Oliver & Jack series, entitled On The Isle Of Dogs.)
yes, the sweet pile of paper that declares a project started….well done!