Courtesy of Historical Fiction Virtual Book Tours, Oliver & Jack: At Lodgings In Lyme will be taking a whirlwind tour of the interwebs! I’m always excited to get a book out into public view, and a virtual book tour seems the best way to do that. It’s probably more fun for me than for anybody else (and I’m particularly looking forward to the reviews of the book), but if you’re interested in the tour, the book is making the following stops:
Monday, September 28
Spotlight & Giveaway at Passages to the Past
Giveaway open till October 8th.
Tuesday, September 29
Review at Bibliotica
At Lodgings In Lyme received a really lovely and positive review from Melissa at Bibliotica, which pleases me to no end. Plus I love the way that she recommends having kidney pie and a good stout while reading this book.
Wednesday, September 30
Guest Post at Passages to the Past
I had some fun writing about Boys Kissing Boys In 1846.
Giveaway at Teddy Rose Book Reviews Plus More
Giveaway open till October 14th.
Friday, October 1
Spotlight at Book Nerd
Monday, October 5
Review & Giveaway at Peeking Between the Pages
Another lovely and positive review for At Lodgings In Lyme.
Giveaway open till October 21st.
Tuesday, October 6
Review at Svetlana’s Reads and Views
A sweet and positive review.
(Posted on Monday, October 12)
Spotlight at A Literary Vacation
Friday, October 9
Spotlight at History Undressed
Tuesday, October 13
Spotlight at CelticLady’s Reviews
Wednesday, October 14
Review at Broken Teepee
I know, right? I’m excited too, about the book tour, and about Oliver and Jack, having their adventures.