Amidst all the hub bub of regular life, what with going to work and doing the laundry and drinking cups of tea, I was able to push the publish button on my latest book, Oliver & Jack At Lodgings In Lyme.
Actually, it was more than one button. Would you like to know how many there are? Well, there are the many buttons in Scrivener to be able to format the book into a .mobi file (one for Amazon and one for All Romance), and five .epub files (All Romance, Kobo, Draft2Digital, Smashwords, and Nook). Then there is the buttons to format a PDF from Scrivener. And then there are the buttons to upload the versions to their different sales channels.
It’s exhausting, but it’s also fun to see the book come to life, and be out there for everyone to see. Well, everyone who’s looking at the somewhat distinct and non-mainstream corner of the historical fiction genre, that is, m/m historical romance. I like what my readers like and cannot imagine writing anything else.
Now! On to the next project, which is Book #3 in the Oliver & Jack series, which currently has the working title of Oliver & Jack At Axminster.