I joined a cult last week. No, really, I did. Though I don’t wear special underwear or drink strange Kool-Aid, I do believe, yes, truly, that I have joined a cult. I was reading Write. Publish. Repeat. which I had purchased along with David Gaughrahn’s Let’s Get Visible and both of those books mentioned something called Scrivener. […]
Mail Chimp: Start Small and Grab the Long Tail
I recently looked at my writing career, and asked myself, well, how is it going? I told myself that it was going pretty good. That I’d published the book that I set out to publish and that, all things considered, is success. But then, I had this feeling that I ought to be doing more. […]
Blog Tour Entry – Four Questions On Writing
My friend Wendy Rathbone invited me to participate in a blog tour. Since I had been badgering her about gearing up her own blog, I was delighted to be asked, because it encourages me to do exactly what I’ve been hassling her about! By the way, this blog tour started by Michael Cieslak, a Board […]
Indie Publishing and The Passive Voice
Of course, when I say “passive voice,” I don’t mean a writing style, in which the subject takes a back seat or is completely unknown. You know, like those statements Republicans make when they say that “bombs were dropped on some faraway country…” as if the bombs were dropped by someone or something not under […]
Fagin’s Boy – Interviews
During the course of my virtual book tour for Fagin’s Boy, I was interviewed by a number of bloggers who had some great questions that allowed me to talk about my book in a natural and dynamic way. I was somewhat shy, at first, to talk so boldly about this project that still felt so […]
Fagin’s Boy – Guest Blog Posts
During my virtual book tour, I was invited to do guest blog posts at the following blogs, which allowed me to ramble on as I wished about Fagin’s Boy. I’ve picked the best bits out of each one, and have included the links to each post, in case you’re of a mind to read […]