When I’ve had just about as much 4th of July as I can manage (and it’s quite a bit), and my taste for BBQ has been satiated, and my drinking beer in the shade needs have been met, then I’m quite ready to have my summer move on to being just summer. As if summer […]
Vituperative Me and Petition Supporting Readers and Amazon
I’m feeling vituperative. During recent weeks, there has been a discussion – oh, okay, let’s call it a battle, for the public’s opinion on the business discussion between Amazon and Hachette. For a long time, I’ve stayed out of it because I thought that things would level out and the discussion would remain civil. Boy was […]
Indie Publishing and The Passive Voice
Of course, when I say “passive voice,” I don’t mean a writing style, in which the subject takes a back seat or is completely unknown. You know, like those statements Republicans make when they say that “bombs were dropped on some faraway country…” as if the bombs were dropped by someone or something not under […]
Be Brave – Sara Bareilles
I found this video today…or maybe it was yesterday, when my town of Longmont is still digging its way out of floods and ruined roads and all kinds of horrible things. Mother Nature dealt us a whammy, but we knew it would happen sooner or later. Me and mine got lucky, we’re all on little […]
File Under “P” in Fiction and Literature
So today was a monumental day, in that I actually went, on purpose, to one of those Big Box Bookstores. Usually I only end up there quite by accident, when one of my sisters or brothers-in-law (i.e., brothers), or one of my nieces demands that I accompany them. Since I am a sucker and quite […]
Writing All the Time
So, my goal, when I got my blog up and running, was to blog every day. That’s what “they” recommend, that you blog every day, and get your name out there, and tried it, I really did. But it seemed so huge, do to that, even with all the suggestions and the list of things […]