My friend Wendy Rathbone recently invited me to participate in a whirlwind blog tour by answering four different and stimulating questions. She was kind enough to post my answers on her site, so I would like to return the favor by posting her answers on my site. And this is how, gentle reader, indie writers particpate […]
Indie Publishing and The Passive Voice
Of course, when I say “passive voice,” I don’t mean a writing style, in which the subject takes a back seat or is completely unknown. You know, like those statements Republicans make when they say that “bombs were dropped on some faraway country…” as if the bombs were dropped by someone or something not under […]
Feast of All Saints: My Obsession With Anne Rice’s Novel
Since a long time ago, I’ve been obsessed with the novel Feast of All Saints by Anne Rice. It’s about a young man in the 1840’s French Quarter who has dreams of going to Paris, but who is foiled, in the end by his white father, Philippe Ferronaire, who basically goes back on his promise to […]
Watching Belle: Who Does Her Hair?
The issue of hair and women of color is a hands-off topic if youâre not a woman of color. Which Iâm not. But I’m going to talk about it anyway, even though Iâm whiter than white, with stick straight hair thatâs a faded blonde color, and I fight with it all the time. Sometimes the […]
Fagin’s Boy – Reviews
The main purpose of my virtual book tour for Faginâs Boy was to give various historical fiction bloggers a copy of the book and allow them to give their honest opinions. Which they did in grand style, and I give them all my heartfelt thanks for taking the time to read the book and then […]
Historical Fiction Virtual Book Tour – Fagin’s Boy
There’s been tweeting (I’ve tweeted, though I’m not really sure how it works), and interviews, and reviews, and all of it’s been an ongoing, online discussion about Fagin’s Boy. I’ve never had so many people mentioning Oliver’s name in years! It’s made me feel a tad shy as the book has been my private joy […]