Today is the last day. Today is the day that I will write the LAST scene in the LAST book in my Oliver & Jack series, which is a book called Oliver & Jack: In London Towne. It is, literally, the final scene, after which, I will work on edits and revisions and move those […]
It’s Better Than Digging Ditches
Writing is not all moonbeams and unicorn farts, it really isn’t. But it is a damn sight better than digging ditches or working in a cardboard box factory. Though, as I recently discussed with a co-worker, there is something very zen about making cardboard boxes; you can disconnect your mind and get to that part […]
At Lodgings In Lyme Going On Sale
Readers have been telling me how much they loved and enjoyed Fagin’s Boy and that they plan to buy At Lodgings In Lyme, which is book two in my Oliver & Jack series. But Wait – There’s More! I’ve discovered a nifty online tool for formatting ebooks called Vellum, and am currently reformatting all of […]
Switching Voices: From Oliver to Jack
93,766. That’s how many words I have written for book #6 in the Oliver & Jack series, which is entitled In London Towne. The words are written from Oliver’s point of view, which is usually how I write a book, from one POV all the way through, and then all the way through again, from […]
A Serpent of Satan!
I did not write A Serpent of Satan, but it is one of the books that came to mind when I started thinking about historical fiction. I cut my teeth on Harlequin Romances, and remember vividly reading them very fast, and was obsessed with the covers. Here is one of my favorites, Henrietta’s Own Castle. […]
Pretty Arrows Do Not A Bullseye Make
Back in the day, I went to Camp Hitaga, which is a Camp Fire Girls camp in Iowa. It was 1974 and I was 12. I can’t explain how I got to go to a sleep-away camp in another state, because I was the Camp Fire Girl who never really had a uniform to speak […]