My friend Wendy Rathbone recently invited me to participate in a whirlwind blog tour by answering four different and stimulating questions. She was kind enough to post my answers on her site, so I would like to return the favor by posting her answers on my site. And this is how, gentle reader, indie writers particpate […]
Blog Tour Entry – Four Questions On Writing
My friend Wendy Rathbone invited me to participate in a blog tour. Since I had been badgering her about gearing up her own blog, I was delighted to be asked, because it encourages me to do exactly what I’ve been hassling her about! By the way, this blog tour started by Michael Cieslak, a Board […]
Indie Publishing and The Passive Voice
Of course, when I say “passive voice,” I don’t mean a writing style, in which the subject takes a back seat or is completely unknown. You know, like those statements Republicans make when they say that “bombs were dropped on some faraway country…” as if the bombs were dropped by someone or something not under […]
Fagin’s Boy – Interviews
During the course of my virtual book tour for Fagin’s Boy, I was interviewed by a number of bloggers who had some great questions that allowed me to talk about my book in a natural and dynamic way. I was somewhat shy, at first, to talk so boldly about this project that still felt so […]
Fagin’s Boy – Guest Blog Posts
During my virtual book tour, I was invited to do guest blog posts at the following blogs, which allowed me to ramble on as I wished about Fagin’s Boy. I’ve picked the best bits out of each one, and have included the links to each post, in case you’re of a mind to read […]
Historical Fiction Virtual Book Tour – Fagin’s Boy
There’s been tweeting (I’ve tweeted, though I’m not really sure how it works), and interviews, and reviews, and all of it’s been an ongoing, online discussion about Fagin’s Boy. I’ve never had so many people mentioning Oliver’s name in years! It’s made me feel a tad shy as the book has been my private joy […]