Amidst all the hub bub of regular life, what with going to work and doing the laundry and drinking cups of tea, I was able to push the publish button on my latest book, Oliver & Jack At Lodgings In Lyme. Actually, it was more than one button. Would you like to know how many […]
Obsessing Over Lyme Regis
When I write about my characters, I do far too much research about the area that they’ll be in. And, typically, it’s usually some place I’ve actually been, though I’m always too jazzed about being there while I’m there to take proper notes. That’s where the internet comes in handy! (And really, is there actually […]
When Words Mean
As a writer, I have a vested interest in words. In what they mean, in how they are used, in how they are interpreted, because words are potent and powerful tools that, when used (either rightly or wrongly) can resonate so deeply, it goes down to the bone. So when I find music that does […]
A Well-Mannered Outline
There’s always a lot of discussion about the kind of writer you are. The one division that I hear a lot is the one between “pantsers” and “plotters.” Pantsers just go with the flow, they open their brains and let the words fall to the page, and it’s poetry in motion until the very end, […]
Cups Song in Galic
So I finished Camp NaNoWriMo (the April version of NaNoWriMo, which happens in November) in fine style with a total of 60,233 words. This is well over the goal of 50K. And to what do I owe this miracle? Well, to start with I had a hand-written outline that I’d revised three times until everything […]
Rhode Hill House
Currently, my editor has Book #2 in the Oliver & Jack series, and I thought it might be fun to share some of the research that I did for that book, mostly with fun pictures or maps. Nothing tedious that a reader might have to slog through because, as I have often been told, not […]