So, my writing friend and fellow camper Wendy has told me that before she begins a story, she carries around in her head the first line or so. As I understand it, this line repeats itself until she actually starts writing the story down. I could relate to this because something similar happens to me. […]
Jack Takes The Lead
Today is Day 1 of Camp NaNoWriMo, which is the April version of NaNoWriMo. The idea of it is that you stay in virtual “cabins” and with your cabinmates, write up a storm! We’ve already got several cookouts planned, and there’s a stash of red wine beneath someone’s bunk for drinking after the counselors have […]
Fagin’s Boy – Revised Cover
As I recently posted, Fagin’s Boy got an overhaul, courtesy of my editor doing her editorial magic, and me with my butt in the chair doing my writerly best with the revisions. Writing is hard work, and while it can be difficult at times, it’s usually fun. Revising has always been fun for me, but this […]
Fagin’s Boy – Revised Content
I recently determined that I would continue what I’d started in Fagin’s Boy and write a series. The story of Oliver and Jack was still resonating in my head, and the characters kept telling me that they had more to say, more adventures to have, more of a relationship to build. So how to do […]
The Lostling – Interview With Wendy Rathbone
Today, as promised, is the second half of my interview with Wendy Rathbone, author of the very lovely Letters to an Android, as well as a slew of other well-respected novels, short stories, and poetry. Wendy has just released her latest work, The Lostling, which continues the love story of Diego and Alec, and I […]
The Lostling – New Book Release for Wendy Rathbone
My friend Wendy Rathbone and I worked hard during NaNoWriMo, to write each day and to reach our word count goals. And while I was writing about the the damp and rainy hinterlands of England, Wendy was writing the foggy and dramatic coastline around the jewel that is San Francisco. Her newest novel, The Lostling, […]