So I finished Camp NaNoWriMo (the April version of NaNoWriMo, which happens in November) in fine style with a total of 60,233 words.
This is well over the goal of 50K. And to what do I owe this miracle?
Well, to start with I had a hand-written outline that I’d revised three times until everything I wanted to be in the story was in place. Then I just sat my butt in the chair every single day and wrote some words. Mostly I wrote an average of 2,000 words a day, and that worked out just fine. It was the nicest writing month I’ve had in a long time, so I’m going to take the next four days to work on the outline for the other half of the book (from Oliver’s POV) and just carry on as I was.
The other reason it went so well was from the unwavering support that I got from my writing pal, Wendy, who was working on a million things all at the same time, like writing poetry, working on her next novel, traveling for business – and all while being my cheering section. When her new book comes out, I’ll be able to talk about it, which I’ll do with great relish because there’s an ORPHAN in it! Yeah, orphans! In the meantime, you can find all of her books on Amazon.
Now, for all you Gaelic (Gaeilge) language fans out there, here’s a version of the very lovely “Cups” song, sung by a group of Gaelic speaking children. Doesn’t it just make you want to travel?