Readers like excerpts, I’m told, so I thought I’d include one from Oliver & Jack: On The Isle Of Dogs, which is due ANY day now. : D
There are many places I could have taken this from, but this bit is from the beginning, just after Jack has arrived home to their shared bedsit over the Three Cripples….
With the jingle of coins in his pocket, he thought to surprise Nolly and take him out for a treat. Though Nolly spoken no complaints and had evidenced all cheeriness and contentment since their arrival at the Three Cripples, it was obvious by his level air and lack of smiles that he did not like living amongst villains and thieves. But what else could they do? They’d had no time to find someplace else to abide, and besides, the work was steady, and they had plenty of protection in the shadow of Noah Claypole. Which, actually, might be part of the problem, as Nolly and Noah were at odds all the day long and far into the evening.
As Jack opened the door at the top of the stairs, a cool breeze rushed through the partially open casement window, fluttering the thin, faded cotton curtain, and bringing the smell of faraway rain.
Nolly sat on the bed; the chair had proven too big for the room, so they’d gotten rid of it. He was leaning over the small wooden table beneath the window, looking as studious as a schoolboy, busy with pen and ink and something he was writing. On his nose was a black smudge, as might have been when Nolly’d been younger, living with old Brownlow, and intent on his lessons. If Jack squinted, he could just make out the shadow of that younger boy, content in his plush little life, before Jack had come back to him.
Is that enough? Would you like to see more?
Please, ma’am, I want some more?
Coming right up! New post! I’ll ping you.
All right, here it is, enjoy!
Thank you! It was sad and lovely–looking forward to the book.
You are more than welcome! Book 5 is a bit darker than the others, but by book 6, I promise that there will be a Happily Ever After.