I’m doing NaNoWriMo for 2015, as the last three NaNos that I did (NaNoWrimo 2104, and two NaNo Camps in 2014) have proven to be incredibly helpful in getting the words from my head and onto the paper. I did not want to take that experience for granted, so I spent the last few weeks ironing out my outline; I am a plotter as everyone knows, and it makes me feel confident if I know the path that I will be going down.
This year NaNo has added a function called “A Writing Buddy” and you can add these buddies to help you on your journey, or just to connect with other authors. This year, so far, I have two writing buddies. They are Wendy Rathbone and Kristina Horner. I know Wendy, she’s a terrific writer and very prolific, and her encouragement and support are my cornerstone. As for Kristina, I’ve never met her, but she’s got a terrific name, and has shared with me a very inspirational video, which I present to you now, because I’m going to write a freakin’ book!
Word Count – 2,015
I love Kristina’s vids. But she’s written 9 NaNo novels and nothing is available to read. I think it would be a tad cool if she indie pubbed some of them on Amazon…
Yeah it would be cool to see some of her stories. : D