At the suggestion of some very smart people in the industry, I’ve made my most current work, Oliver & Jack: In Axminster Workhouse, available for pre-order. Amazon already has it up, so you can pre-order here. It’s also available at Smashwords. It’s also available at the following locations: Apple Barnes & Noble Online I’ll update […]
Updated Fagin’s Boy – Where Is it?
While I’d like to tell you my trials and tribulations of formatting on Scrivener (it really is a terrific piece of software), I’m going to spare you, because really, I could (and have been known to) go on for hours. (Besides, I’m getting the hang of it.) The biggest thing I learned (and this will […]
Categories and Keywords – Kind Assistance
As with any indie writer, I’m always working on ways to make my work visible and discoverable. As mentioned in some previous posts, Let’s Get Visible and Write Publish Repeat had a great many good ideas for doing this. My goal is and was to implement those ideas that resonated with me. Being a 3 […]
The Preston Petition vs. the Indie Petition
This is not a legal document, and I am in no way attached to anything legal. But I like the sound of it, petition vs. petition, as in Kramer vs. Kramer, which stars Meryl Streep, who I adore. Anyway, as you may or may not know, there has been a business discussion between Hachette and […]
Vituperative Me and Petition Supporting Readers and Amazon
I’m feeling vituperative. During recent weeks, there has been a discussion – oh, okay, let’s call it a battle, for the public’s opinion on the business discussion between Amazon and Hachette. For a long time, I’ve stayed out of it because I thought that things would level out and the discussion would remain civil. Boy was […]
Today’s the Day!
I never thought today would come, but it did. My book is up and available for purchase. It’s only available in print at the moment at Amazon, but I’m having ebooks made (both epub and mobi) and will let those of you who prefer ebooks know when those are ready. In the meantime, I’m supposed […]