In December 2016, I struck up a conversation on Twitter with a gentleman who admired the cover of one of my books. Flattered, I told him the designer was Bookfly Designs, and we talked a little about the plot of the story, and so on. Then the gentleman asked whether, if he were to buy a […]
In Axminster Workhouse Chronology
This is the chronology of the happenings in Oliver & Jack: In Axminster Workhouse. Chapter Title Date Chapter 1 – It Was The Worst Of Times Monday, April 13, 1846 Chapter 2 – Wherein Is Shown The Constancy Of Workhouses Monday, April 13, 1846 Chapter 3 – Becoming Acquainted With Stones And Bones Tuesday Tuesday, April […]
At Lodgings In Lyme Is Live
Amidst all the hub bub of regular life, what with going to work and doing the laundry and drinking cups of tea, I was able to push the publish button on my latest book, Oliver & Jack At Lodgings In Lyme. Actually, it was more than one button. Would you like to know how many […]
A Well-Mannered Outline
There’s always a lot of discussion about the kind of writer you are. The one division that I hear a lot is the one between “pantsers” and “plotters.” Pantsers just go with the flow, they open their brains and let the words fall to the page, and it’s poetry in motion until the very end, […]
Cups Song in Galic
So I finished Camp NaNoWriMo (the April version of NaNoWriMo, which happens in November) in fine style with a total of 60,233 words. This is well over the goal of 50K. And to what do I owe this miracle? Well, to start with I had a hand-written outline that I’d revised three times until everything […]
This Could Be Us
Camp NaNoWriMo is going quite well, as I’m writing every day and getting my words in. The new story is coming along its merry way, since I determined that this time, I would outline by hand, so as to have my notes always with me, and I would be able to spread them out on […]