Of course, when I say “passive voice,” I don’t mean a writing style, in which the subject takes a back seat or is completely unknown. You know, like those statements Republicans make when they say that “bombs were dropped on some faraway country…” as if the bombs were dropped by someone or something not under […]
Today’s the Day!
I never thought today would come, but it did. My book is up and available for purchase. It’s only available in print at the moment at Amazon, but I’m having ebooks made (both epub and mobi) and will let those of you who prefer ebooks know when those are ready. In the meantime, I’m supposed […]
File Under “P” in Fiction and Literature
So today was a monumental day, in that I actually went, on purpose, to one of those Big Box Bookstores. Usually I only end up there quite by accident, when one of my sisters or brothers-in-law (i.e., brothers), or one of my nieces demands that I accompany them. Since I am a sucker and quite […]
Finishing a Novel and Registering a Copyright – Self-Publishing Beginning Steps
I donât know why itâs taken me so long to write a new blog post. Oh yesâ¦I do know. I was finishing my novel! Yes, itâs done, and I should have announced it before, and sent out birth announcements or bottles of champagne or some such thing. I did tell a few people, close family, […]
Hit 100,000 Words Today
Along about 2006 or so, I decided that I was going to write that novel that was sitting around in my head. It was troublesome to keep so many ideas in my brain, and besides, the characters were bored with waiting. So I wrote it. I also got laid off during a Reduction in Force, […]
My Character Got Arrested Today
So my character got arrested today, and he’s none too pleased. I tried to let him know that this was coming and I put it off for as long as I could. Because seriously. If you’re a character in Victorian London and you get arrested (for whatever reason), where are they going to take you? […]